Thursday, July 1, 2010


Malas nak cerita. Dah masuk empat kali taip tapi lepas tu delete jugak semua.

Anyway tadi Umi lupa nak ambil aku dekat sekolah. Yes people, dari 1.10 keluar sekolah sampai pukul 2 aku tunggu di stesen bas depan sekolah sampai budak Form 6 keluar kelas and balik. Last last aku call Umi. Guess what? Dia lupa. Yeah. Then pengawas perempuan sorang tu masuk sekolah and tinggal aku and Gato and Hazim - tapi those two pergi beli air or something for a looooong time and came back shortly before Umi sampai.

I need want to talk to someone. I refused to go back being that girl who almost lost everything.

p/s : Hazim & (especially) Gato, gay. WAHAHAHAHAHA (kidding weh)

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