Sunday, November 18, 2012

Films Films Films

Remember how crazy I was over films (the camera and Kodak stuffs, not movies) back then? And then I got so busy and money-less that I kind of abandoned it? After two years of procrastination I finally got around to get the films developed and I am now converted back to use films camera.

I'm not that happy with the scanning cuz the films that was developed looked fine. Need to find another place to scan the film


Anonymous said...

guna camera apa ny?nice!!

Nejj said...

yang greenish tu guna Olympus point and shoot (my mother's, tak ingat model kamera) and yang double exposure and the first picture tu guna Sprocket Rocket. hehe thank you!

Anonymous said...

hye sis
nak tanya ur opinion sikit bole
i nak beli camera utk buat assignment + ambik gambar suka-suka (tapi bukan utk jadi pro photographer or mengasah bakat etc) so,what kind of camera yg saya perlu beli. compact camera or dslr or cdngn lain? but of course la nak quality yg nice kan,hehe maybe yg sesuai utk pengguna biasa2 mcm saya

Nejj said...

hello dear,
well depending what kind of assignments are we talking about. sebab macam my lecturer memang nak kami guna DSLR. kalau nak ambil DSLR sekadar suka suka, baik ambil entry level sahaja. nowadays Nikon D60 macam mine dah kira outdated kut, hehe. So mungkin boleh survey kedai kamera tanya apek tu nak yang entry level. Nowadays rasanya yang Nikon 3100, 3200, or 5100 tu kira entry level. Canon sis tak familiar sangat.
Ataupun kalau yang tak nak DSLR, Coolpix pun okay juga setakat yang sis dah pernah cuba (yang model besar sikit tu, bukan compact nipis). Kalau budget banyak, mungkin olympus pen & sewaktu dengannya would be great. Tapi yang kurangnya, harga lebih kurang dengan DSLR yang entry level.
Tapi kalau nak saja saja, mungkin lebih sesuai compact camera biasa. Dulu sis guna BenQ compact tu je and kualiti pun not bad. Yang penting pandai guna.
Kalau adventurous sikit, try lah kamera filem ;p
Yang penting, pergi survey sendiri, try dulu kamera tu dekat kedai before decide nak beli kamera yang mana.
Hope it helps! :)

Anonymous said...

oh thank you so much :)