Monday, May 27, 2013

#pengantinbaru #izzahamir

So my sister got married. My shoes almost killed me and I shall now stay away from heels until I could find a flatforms or flat wedges that is comfy except for my current & beaten fitflop. Food was great, my face was an oily disaster, I got tanner post-Tabita (I stopped for months already) and Topshop eyeliner is awesome, it doesn't smudge at all. All in all it was tiring but my sister just got married and am so happy for her. She looked beautiful and she (finally) wore makeups! Like real REAL makeups! Photos are mostly from instagram and phones so forgive the quality and these shall be updated if I can get ahold of other proper camera photos.

Radhi-o singing for them as a surprise

The kids (our nieces)

The hantaran(s)

Team Pengantin Perempuan yo!

Malam berinai, night before the akad nikah.

The sumandaks, hahaha. Ok tak, the dulang girls and womens.

After the ijab kabul.

During Ya Hanana, the kids were so psyched that they sang along. With mics.

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