Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Okay aku tau ini isu yang agak lama, tapi masih sangat susah aku nak faham kenapa sesetengah orang masih tak reti mengeja. Bila aku panggil bodoh reti pula nak marah, tahu pula nak eja betul betul. Hang kata comel? Sat na, aku nak muntah sikit. Sungguh tidak comel bila umur kau dah 18 tahun tapi masih mengeja macam budak sekolah rendah. Geli tahu tak? G E L I.

Pengajarannya, belajar mengeja dan praktikkan ejaan yang betul. Jangan hampakan cikgu Bahasa Melayu dan English anda. Paling tidak pun guna lah spell-check tu.


A good old friend called and start rambling about how I owe 'em a cup of tutti frutti because I didn't made it back to Kajang on the day I am supposed to hang out with 'em. I can't stop giggling. It's good to hear a familiar voice from the past.

I miss W a lot, he's so far and I am so afraid. If you're reading this tiger, you better get the point. We don't know the future, but right now, you are the one and that is the fact that matters. I will fight for this.

A beautiful song for the beautiful people around me; my parents, families, friends and my dear tiger.

p/s : Why tiger? Your default lah pandai.

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